Mid-Apocalyptic Humanitarian Change Of Plans

Posted by ben on 2020/03/31 - 0 Comments

There is a lot of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) available in China right now. We think the best place for it to be is on someone's body, and not in a warehouse. In an effort to make that happen, we've sourced a few things that we thought would be useful and converted the WiPhone presales page to an order form for PPE. Now we're shipping as much of it as we can. Not trying to make money, we are charging just enough to cover costs.

I flew back to China. Greetings from the (hopefully) last day in quarantine. After about 3 days of picking my nose I figured there might be something worth doing right now that isn't finishing the WiPhone. This is the result. You can go to the link below and get supplies that should be helpful to keep yourself, your elderly relatives, local delivery guy, or friend who works in a critical place and would otherwise be without. Most of this stuff is not rated for medical use. Don't expect your local hospital to be able to accept it.


Currently the only shipping destination is the US. We would love to add the rest of the world, and will try to get to it over the next few days, but we've been shipping a lot of stuff recently and I'm not sure if it will happen or not.