
The Sparklepony daughterboard brings glowing fabulousness to everyday life, empowering you to light up your world and stand out in any situation, from meetings to raves.

Adds vibrant light patterns to WiPhone for flair and interactive effects.

The Sparklepony exists due to an acute shortage of fabulousness in this world. Have you ever felt you were born in the wrong dimension? One where Tron suits are not suitable for business meetings and that platform boots+fur bikini ensemble you wear to burning man every year just gets you laughed at anywhere else? The Sparklepony daughterboard exists to fill your needs.

Activate the Sparklepony's super powers and transport yourself to a world where your glowing orb exudes fabulousness and photons in equal amounts. Do you need to conduct a rave at your next standup meeting? Do you need to add some spice to your morning subway ride? Need to answer the phone in the coolest way possible? Now you can.


Product Size:12 x 5 x 1 cm
Product Weight:52g
Shipping Size:15 x 10 x 4 cm
Shipping Weight:100g

Reference Materials


LED Array

Adds vibrant light patterns to WiPhone for flair and interactive effects.

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